45. magyar filmszemle

Vydareny - A fénnyel írott kép

short documentary film | 59 min.

Undeservedly few people know the XX. created one of the most significant Hungarian photographers in the 19th century, whose not only his life work, but also his artistic perception is remarkable and inspiring. He is the founder and leader of professional organizations, the author and editor of professional works and professional magazines – and then in the fifties he experiences the betrayal of his students and mentees, the contempt of the “professional” photographers for a living, who considered Vydareny, who is actually an architect according to his civil occupation, to be an amateur.

Production Company - Dunatáj Alapítvány
Producer - Péterffy András
Director - Tóth Péter Pál
Screenplay - Kincses Károly
Cinematographer - Tóth Péter Pál, Pápai Gergely
Editor - Tóth Péter Pál
Composer - Sonoton (Luca Hart, Tom Linden, Martin Price, Adam Saunders, Mark S. Cousins, Rainer Dimmler, Roman Raithel, Otto Sieben, Andrea Saparoff, Zdenko Fibich, Laurent Dury, Wolfgang Ludewig, Tim Whitelaw, Moritz Bintig)
Production Design - N/A
Costume - N/A
Sound - Belovári Tibor
Main Cast - Szinetár Dóra, Tóth Péter Pál, Kanda Pál



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