45. magyar filmszemle

Távolodó hegyek emlékezete

experimental film | 22 min.

Fragments of memories of the time a boy spent with his sister and grandfather in a secluded mountain village. Only a few people live in the settlement, and they will soon leave. The grandfather begins a strict fast. One morning, he gets out of bed and heads for the mountains, from which he never returns. The villagers follow him. The two brothers are left alone.

Production Company - Budapest Metropolitan Egyetem
Producer - Szathmári Balázs
Director - Puskás Barnabás, Szathmári Balázs
Screenplay - Puskás Barnabás, Szathmári Balázs
Cinematographer - Puskás Barnabás
Editor - Szathmári Balázs
Composer - Puskás Barnabás
Production Design - Kasa Blanka Bella, Tóth Kamilla
Costume - Kasa Blanka Bella, Tóth Kamilla
Sound - Bordi Blanka Bella
Main Cast - Galkó Balázs, Krüger Jázmin, Szabó Tamás

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