45. magyar filmszemle

Szép sárga

short film | 12 min.

Rozi’s day is complete chaos. He gets stuck choosing his mom’s birthday present, fails his driving test, and nearly blinds himself with a bottle of laundry detergent. Peter’s day isn’t going any better because of an unfortunate “reply to all” email incident. In the midst of their mid-life crisis, their paths cross as they both struggle with unique challenges. Szép sárga is a silly exploration of Rozi and Péter’s interconnected inner monologues and their misfortunes, which subtly reminds us that our funny thoughts and everyday difficulties are a natural part of human existence.

Production Company - Stranger Films
Producer - Sípos Anna, Bisztray Sándori
Director - Hatházi Fanni
Screenplay - Hatházi Fanni, Bisztray Sándor
Cinematographer - Kóródi Dániel
Editor - Csabai Attila
Composer - N/A
Production Design - Lukács Mihály
Costume - Keszei Borbála, Hatházi Lili
Sound - Bohács Tamás
Main Cast - Bajor Lili, Georgita Máté Dezső

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