45. magyar filmszemle


short film | 28 min.

The best chef in the country pushes his cooks to the brink of insanity. Dani has been working as a robot for many years, to no avail. His sick ambition leads him down dark paths.

Production Company - METU, SPARKS kFT
Producer - Huszár Timea
Director - Csihar Arion, Belső Marcell
Screenplay - Belső Marcell
Cinematographer - Galambos Eszter
Editor - Kiss Viktória
Composer - Thibault Chavanis
Production Design - Tóth Cecília Orsolya Anna
Costume - Pirityi Emese
Sound - Kerekes Gábor
Main Cast - Ónodi Eszter, Patkós Márton, Gyula Péter, Nagypál Gábor, Trill Beatrix, Vilmányi Benett

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