45. magyar filmszemle


feature film | 96 min

Multiple narrative threads intertwine in this provocative, ballad-like story set in no man’s land on the craziest day of the century. The characters in our film are loosely connected, and as we follow them from dawn to late evening, their stories unfold with increasing vividness. Ultimately, in the viewer’s imagination, these fragments come together to form a surreal world built from mosaics. Its atmosphere evokes the paintings of Chagall, where the whimsical and emotional blend seamlessly with ominously dark, apocalyptic motifs.

Production Company - Cineworkfilm - Lumiere Filmiskola
Producer - Incze Ágnes
Director - Salamon András
Screenwriter - Salamon András
Cinematographer - Szabó Gábor
Editor - Nemes Tímea
Composer - Viszkeleti Júlia
Production Design - Pataki Zóra
Costume - Vavrinecz Krisztina, Szabó Gergely
Sound - Cseh András, Garcia Szabolcs
Main Cast - Monori Lili, Hegedűs D. Géza, Kerekes Éva, Thuróczy Szabolcs, Nagy Katica, Katona László, Fodor Annamária, Major Erik, Gál Réka Ágota, Bocsárszky Attila, Bölkény Balázs, Bukovszky Orsolya, Horváth Kristóf

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