45. magyar filmszemle

Növény voltam

short documentary film | 52 min.

A dreaded disease of our time, stroke reduces vigorous people to helpless packages and destroys the lives of families. In addition to health and social and existential status, the microenvironment also collapses. The Strokeinfo Foundation’s summer camp is a skills and confidence-building training for stroke survivors, who report on the experience of a radical reevaluation of life in the film. In addition to the deterioration of physical abilities, you can experience the emergence of a different outlook on life.

Production Company - Dunatáj Alapítvány
Producer - Péterffy András
Director - Tóth Péter Pál
Screenplay - Tóth Péter Pál
Cinematographer - Tóth Péter Pál, Pápai Gergely
Editor - Tóth Péter Pál
Composer - Luca Hart
Production Design - N/A
Costume - N/A
Sound - Belovári Tibor
Main Cast - Sarkadi Gabriella, Galuska Andrea, Tokody Miklós



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