45. magyar filmszemle

Nárcisz és Echo

short animated film | 7 min.

Narcissus, the painter, and Echo, his model, seem to live happily at first. Although the girl sees herself as ugly, she becomes beautiful in his painting. And in return, the man would be a bad painter without his model. However, Narcísz treats the girl more and more evilly: sometimes he humiliates her, once he even hits her, but in the end they always make up. One day, Echo discovers a secret folder in the man’s studio: distorted self-portraits of the man’s inner world. Echo realizes who the man really is, that she doesn’t need him anymore, so she gathers all her strength and leaves him.

Production Company - Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
Producer - Kiss Melinda
Director - Goretity Franciska
Screenplay - N/A
Cinematographer - N/A
Editor - Viesz Richárd
Composer - Papp Mádava
Production Design - Goretity Franciska
Costume - N/A
Sound - Máthé Kata
Main Cast - N/A



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