45. magyar filmszemle

MEGALKUVÁS NÉLKÜL – Szőts István testamentuma

short documentary film | 58 min.

István Szőts burst into world cinema with his film Emberek a havason in 1942, at the age of barely thirty, at the Venice Film Festival, as one of the role models of the nascent neorealism. His life’s work could not be completed in the storm of 20th-century history, but his tumultuous fate, human and artistic behavior still provide many lessons for today’s filmmakers.

Production Company - Krea-TV Kft.
Producer - Ordódy Judit
Director - Balogh Zsolt
Screenplay - Szerkesztő-forgatókönyvíró: Pintér Judit
Cinematographer - Csukás Sándor, Papp Máté, Fuchs Máté
Editor - Uchlaczki Lilian, Török Katalin
Composer - N/A
Production Design - N/A
Costume - N/A
Sound - Tamási János, Szalay Tamás
Main Cast - Szőts István, Szőts Kinga



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