45. magyar filmszemle

Lépésről lépésre

short film | 23 min.

A young girl, about to graduate, spends the evening at the local bar with her friends. Although her parents insist that she arrive home before midnight, she refuses the polite offer of the boy who offers to accompany her home. Continuing on his way, he notices that he is being followed and begins the biggest chase of his life when he realizes that he has been the victim of a kidnapping. The purpose of the work is to draw attention to the danger of kidnapping, because: Every year, nearly 18 thousand minors go missing in Hungary, 250 thousand in the European Union, and more than 8 million worldwide. Every 30 minutes in Hungary, every 2 minutes in the EU, and 15 children every second in the world. Let’s look out for each other!

Production Company - Luminaris Pictures
Producer - Szabó Regő
Director - Ujvárosi Áron és Szabó Regő
Screenplay - Ujvárosi Áron és Szabó Regő
Cinematographer - Ujvárosi Áron
Editor - Ujvárosi Áron
Composer - N/A
Production Design - Ujvárosi Áron
Costume - Szabó Regő
Sound - Szabó Regő
Main Cast - Dombóvári Zoé Dorka, Kovácsevics Levente, Rostás Boglárka, Kerék Laura, Horváth Barnabás, Kovács Bálint, Balogh Dóra, Oláh Sámuel, Bokros Bianka, Horváth Balázs, Molnár Balázs



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