45. magyar filmszemle


short documentary film | 53 min.

“The Invisibles” presents the events of the 1956 revolution in Pécs and Mescek, through the recollections of three survivors. Many people do not know that Mecsek lasted the longest in the freedom struggle against the brutal Soviet overpower. In November 1956, more than a thousand people from Pécs, miners, workers, teachers and students went up the mountain. Relying on their local knowledge, the civilian resisters inflicted significant losses on the Russian army by using guerrilla-style warfare with weak weapons. Until now, we have only been able to learn about what happened on the mountain from fragmentary sources. The “Invisibles” want to make a hitherto unknown chapter of Hungarian history visible.

Production Company - Beyond Productoin
Producer - Cs. Nagy Sándor, Keresnyei János
Director - Cs . Nagy Sándor
Screenplay - Cs . Nagy Sándor, Sashegyi Zsófia
Cinematographer - Ballasa László, V. Nagy Attila, Rádi Péter
Editor - Sass Péter
Composer - Turjánszky György
Production Design - Rontó Lili
Costume - Rontó Lili
Sound - Perger István
Main Cast - Lux Antal, Tésenyi Ferenc, Farkas József

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