45. magyar filmszemle

Késő? Soha!

short film | 22 min.

How could we remember Éva Fahidi in a more dignified way than with grateful thanks for her smile, wisdom, encouragement, and life affirmation that she shared with the world and with us. In this film, the smart, mischievous, woman to the core was and is present. This film is about the affirmation of life and love. About the fact that not only our life, but also the happiness we get from life has its own destiny. Éva and her partner, Bandi, gifted us with this story.

Production Company - Xtrame Studio
Producer - Füzesi Éva
Director - Füzesi Éva
Screenplay - Vitray Tamás
Cinematographer - Bedő Csaba, Fehér Krisztián
Editor - Bedő Csaba
Composer - Chopin
Production Design - Riport természetes közegben
Costume - N/A
Sound - Bedő Csaba
Main Cast - Fahidi Éva, Andor Andrási

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