Keskeny út a boldogság felé

documentary film | 82 min.

The dream of two Roma boys, Gergő and Lénárd, is to write a musical about their love story. They move to Budapest and, confident that their courage and love for each other can be an inspiration to others, they set out on the path to realizing their dreams. Life, on the other hand, rewrites their story. Due to an unexpected death, they have to return to the community from which they were ostracized, so they are forced to face their conflicts, but where they can get their family back in recognition of their perseverance and pure heart.

Production Company - Makabor Studió
Producer - Csukás Borbála, Oláh Kata, co-producer: Marc Smolowitz
Director - Oláh Kata
Screenplay - N/A
Cinematographer - Csukás Sándor
Editor - Oláh Kata
Composer - Barcza Gergő
Production Design - N/A
Costume - N/A
Sound - Lőrincz Tamás
Main Cast - Gagyi Gergő, Váradi Lénárd

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