Kellemes Apokalipszist!

short film | 26 min.

Old Márton lives in a charming little village in the mountains. Unfortunately, he is not on good terms with the villagers. After an accident at a nearby nuclear power plant, he is left alone in the settlement and has to adapt to the new situation. By the time the residents return, it is possible that Márton wants to open to them. But what do they say about the change?

Production Company - Seaglass Film Kft.
Producer - Wiedermann János, Fuhrmann Margit, Gyarmati Edvárd
Director - Géczy Dávid
Screenplay - Nyíri Kovács István
Cinematographer - Géczy Dávid, Szentiványi Gábor
Editor - Lecza Attila
Composer - Győrffy Ákos (horhos)
Production Design - Nagy Brigitta Szonja
Costume - Goddard Paula, Nagy Brigitta Szonja
Sound - Belovári Tibor
Main Cast - Lukáts Andor, Kamarás Iván, Bóka a Kecske



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