45. magyar filmszemle

János bátya

short animated film | 16 min.

In the 1850s, according to a Transylvanian legend, a terrifying beast ran rampant on the Retyezát, which could not be destroyed due to its witch power. He caught the bullet with his foot, and whoever shot at him was struck by misfortune and irretrievably perished. But Prince Schwarzenberg, the Habsburg imperial governor of Transylvania, as a fearless hunter, did not believe in this peasant superstition and decided to deal with the monster personally. Whether he succeeded is the story.

Production Company - Animaci Film
Producer - Hoós Ágnes
Director - Lehotay Zoltán
Screenplay - Lehotay Zoltán
Cinematographer - Vócsa Attila
Editor - Vócsa Attila
Composer - Schmidt Zoltán
Production Design - Lehotay Zoltán, Szaradics Antónia Mária
Costume - Lehotay Zoltán
Sound - Madácsi Imre
Main Cast - Háda János narrátor, Csizmadia Gergely Schwarzenberg - herceg

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