45. magyar filmszemle

Ica és a másvilág

experimental film | 72 min.

Adél is a Hungarian university girl majoring in film directing. The political circumstances of life and Hungary meant that he was forced to finish his studies at the Vienna Film Academy, in a country and culture foreign to him. As a semester exam assignment, you have to shoot a documentary film. This documentary is about death and life, home and homelessness, the ability to cross moral and physical boundaries. We, the viewers, see this film, it is Adél’s film.

Production Company - Focusfox
Producer - Ferenczy Gábor
Director - Török Marcell
Screenplay - Török Marcell
Cinematographer - Meister Natália
Editor - Majszin Éva
Composer - N/A
Production Design - Csiszér Csilla
Costume - Nagy Adrienna
Sound - Necz Balázs
Main Cast - Petrány Eszter, Hevesi László, Cseszlai Ilona, Wermer Anna, Dragon Gábor, Csank László, Járai Alfréd

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