45. magyar filmszemle

Fekete pont

feature film | 120 min

Fainting kids and endless speeches at the ceremonial school opening. The distinctive smell of creamed vegetables and bleachy mop water in the cafeteria. Ten-year-old Palkó (Paul Mátis), recently returned from Berlin, observes the everyday life of an average Hungarian school with wonder. The only person who truly understands him is Juci néni (Anna Mészöly), a young, novice teacher who is also struggling as a victim of the institution’s outdated, bureaucratic system rooted in a janitor-culture mindset.
Production Company - Boddah, CineSuper, Filmpartners, Pioneer Pictures, 235 Productions, Proton Cinema, GoodKids, KMH, FocusFox, Umbrella
Producer - Osváth Gábor, Mártonffy Zoltán; Executive producer: Kovács Gábor, Pataki Ági, Antal Ilona, Kemény Ildikó, Peták Eleonóra, Juhász Péter, Blik Dániel, Dreissiger László; Co-producer: Berkes Júlia, Petrányi Viktória, D’Intino Patrícia, Pusztai Ferenc, Ferenczy Gábor; Associate producer: Kázmér Miklós, Felszeghy Ádám, Mátis Inez, Fátyol Hermina
Director - Szimler Bálint
Screenwriter - Szimler Bálint
Cinematographer - Rév Marcell
Editor - Ördög Zsófia
Composer - Lajhó Dorka, Sabák Péter
Production Design - Láng Imola
Costume - Glaser Marcsi
Sound - Lente Viktor
Main Cast - Mátis Paul, Mészöly Anna, Kovács Ákos ‘Dadan’, Mátis Inez, Ferenczi Gábor, Lőkös Ildikó, Nádasi Iván László, Márton Eszter, Papp Attila, Deák-Molnár Mihály, Balázs Józsi, Bruck Zsuzsa, Gombos Judit, Dragon Gábor



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