45. magyar filmszemle

be- ki- le- fel- szét- meg- át-

experimental film | 92 min.

Dorka Csoboth and Erik Novák are the creators, actors and the entire crew of the two-person, two-handed, no-budget film, in a continuous zigzag between withholding private intimacy and sharing themselves without restraint. Fragments of a video diary from two and a half years of an ongoing, but at the same time, unending relationship. An attempt to restore the personal and the direct, the naïve, yet world-moving, self-important meaninglessness of love by increasing mediation to the extreme, by appropriating the codes of home-video, psychodrama, exploitation films and pornography.

Production Company - József Attlila Lakótelep Filmstúdió
Producer - Novák Erik és Csoboth Dorka
Director - Csoboth Dorka
Screenplay - Csoboth Dorka és Novák Erik
Cinematographer - Novák Erik és Csoboth Dorka
Editor - Novák Erik és Csoboth Dorka
Composer - Schéner Mihály, Tudósok zenekar, Sisi
Production Design - Novák Erik és Csoboth Dorka
Costume - Csoboth Dorka és Novák Erik
Sound - Csoboth Dorka és Novák Erik
Main Cast - Csoboth Dorka és Novák Erik



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