45. magyar filmszemle

Bátyám, Dodó

short film | 13 min.

Liza follows her brother Dodo for a day. He gets to know a side of his brother unknown to him, his friends, his paintings and his love. Although she only gets to see into her brother’s life for a short time, Liza confronts her that her brother is going to move away, so she is forced to let him go.

Production Company - Moha4
Producer - Kunert Zsolt, Puskás Andrea, Laki L. Lukács
Director - Mandula Lujza
Screenplay - Mandula Lujza, Madarász-Róna Gergely
Cinematographer - Megyeri Dániel
Editor - Mandula Lujza, Klucsik Franciska
Composer - Szalai Anna, Dorozsmai Gergő, Csaknekedkislány
Production Design - Szalai Anna
Costume - Deák Franciska
Sound - Török Samu, Pintér Máté
Main Cast - Kunert Mici, Bánhidi-Rózsa Bence

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