45. magyar filmszemle

Az utolsó dobás

short animated film | 11 min.

Watching the competition of the rhythmic gymnastics teams, we see harmony, the unity of five gymnasts on the mat. However, the contestants who embody the appearance of perfection are teenage girls whose insecurities are exacerbated by stress. The last throw is a film with a dramatic tone, which shows through the perspective of a young elite athlete how the desire to conform turns into a mental breakdown under the influence of an external, oppressive force.

Production Company - Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem
Producer - Fülöp József
Director - Tőkés Anna
Screenplay - Tőkés Anna, dramaturg: Ruttkay Zsófia
Cinematographer - N/A
Editor - Czakó Judit
Composer - Alpár Balázs
Production Design - Tőkés Anna, Ászity Boglárka
Costume - Tőkés Anna, Szakály Réka
Sound - Lukács Péter Benjámin
Main Cast - Gspan Zsuzsanna, Lukács Péter Benjámin



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