45. magyar filmszemle

Az őrt állók figyelő szemével

short documentary film | 52 min.

The portrait film presents the life and dedicated work of Katalin Petényi, film director, screenwriter, and art historian. The details and confessions of his films, shot from the South China Sea to Brazil, from Transylvania to Siberia, convey his message about the victims of history, the oppressed, the exiled, the stateless. Against violence, it speaks in the name of dialogue about the importance of reconciliation, respect for people, and the sustaining power of faith and love.

Production Company - Látókép-production Kft.
Producer - Kabay Barna
Director - Kabay Barna
Screenplay - N/A
Cinematographer - Tóth Zsolt
Editor - Edőcs Bálint
Composer - Edőcs Bálint
Production Design - N/A
Costume - N/A
Sound - Edőcs Bálint
Main Cast - Petényi Katalin forgatókönyvíró, filmrendező, művészettörténész

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