45. magyar filmszemle


short documentary film | 57 min.

Perhaps there is no other domestic architect whose houses welcome as many people as his. The country’s largest and best-known stadiums are lined up one after the other in downtown Budapest (in the Hungária krt.-Kálmán Könyves krt. axis). \…which takes years to complete

Production Company - Konkam Stúdió
Producer - Kovács László
Director - Kovács László
Screenplay - Kovács László
Cinematographer - Rácz Balázs, Kovács László
Editor - Kovács László, Lőrinczy Zoltán
Composer - Gandharvák, Bob Dugan, Buddha Dinner
Production Design - N/A
Costume - N/A
Sound - Ágics Gitta, Dózsa Péter
Main Cast - Skardelli György, Várszegi Asztrik, Dunai II. Antal

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