45. magyar filmszemle

„Amikor Isten ujja beleér a képbe” Kardos Sándor operatőr, rendező, fotógyűjtő

short documentary film | 57 min.

Sándor Kardos is the owner and witness of great stories, a great cinematographer alongside great creators, creating a film language spoken only by him, a creative director himself and an obsessive image collector, the creator of the Hórusz Archive. “Chance is nothing but God incognito,” he says, and his entire oeuvre proves that the finger of God has indeed often entered his images. NOTE: WE WOULD LIKE TO CALL THE MOVIE IN THE “INFORMATION SECTION”!

Production Company - Krea-TV Kft.
Producer - Ordódy Judit
Director - Medgyesi Gabriella
Screenplay - Medgyesi Gabriella
Cinematographer - Vezető operatőr: Sibalin György; Operatőr: Fuchs Máté
Editor - Szijjártó Attila
Composer - N/A
Production Design - N/A
Costume - N/A
Sound - Szalay Tamás
Main Cast - Kardos Sándor



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