45. magyar filmszemle


short film | 5 min.

Irén, the museum janitor, happily works among the great works of classical painting. One day, however, he finds himself facing a new, abstract painting. The incomprehensible work has a great impact on him and does not let him rest. On the next working day, he makes an unexpected move.

Production Company - Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem
Producer - Besenyei Zsuzsanna
Director - Nagy Dániel
Screenplay - Nagy Dániel
Cinematographer - Viesz Richárd
Editor - Nagy Dániel
Composer - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn
Production Design - Jakab Rebeka
Costume - Jakab Rebeka
Sound - Ferincz Péter
Main Cast - Antal Olga, Császár Eszter, Donáth Péter

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