45. magyar filmszemle

A szultán halála

short animated film | 4 min.

The work gives a glimpse into the last hours of Sülejmán I, who died in Szigetvár on September 6, 1566, and the complications related to his death. We can follow the mysterious paths of the remains of one of the most important sultans of the Ottoman Empire.

Production Company - Digitális Legendárium Kft.
Producer - Hajnal Ödön
Director - Hajnal Ödön
Screenplay - N/A
Cinematographer - N/A
Editor - N/A
Composer - Bükki Bence
Production Design - Bánsághi Márk, Helischer Nikolett, Vas Fruzsina, Szűcs Levente
Costume - N/A
Sound - Bükki Bence
Main Cast - N/A

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