Bogyó és Babóca 5. - Hónapok meséi

animated film | 67 min.

In the fifth part of the movie series based on the book series of the same name by Erika Bartos, we can follow the changing of the seasons in twelve short stories, as nature invites the characters to play together every month. During their adventures, they celebrate together at a special carnival ball in February, make a bouncy castle together in April, make fruit ice cream together in July, and surprise each other with exciting gifts in December. And in the thirteenth, encore story, they also take part in a cake competition, which reveals that anyone, even the always conscientious Doctor Owl, can make mistakes.

Production Company - KEDD Studio
Producer - M. Tóth Géza
Director - Fazakas Kinga, M. Tóth Géza
Screenplay - Bartos Erika
Cinematographer - N/A
Editor - N/A
Composer - Szabó Tibor
Production Design - N/A
Costume - N/A
Sound - Gaston Stúdió, Madácsi Imre, Sárközi András, Rozslay Miklós
Main Cast - N/A



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